Build It Green has compiled the information in the Green Product Directory and the GreenPointer articles as a public service to promote the use of green building practices and products. Listing in the Directory or information in the articles should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement by Build It Green or any of its funding agencies or in any way guarantee performance of that product or practice. The Directory features a limited selection of green products that may be of interest to consumers in California and is not intended as a comprehensive listing of all green products. The absence of a particular brand or product does not necessarily imply that it does not meet green building standards.
Listings in the Directory are based on information obtained from publicly available sources including product manufacturers’ and suppliers’ websites. The products in the Directory have not been tested by Build It Green. Although Build It Green undertakes reasonable efforts to verify the accuracy of the information in the Directory and the GreenPointer articles, Build It Green does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information in the Directory, and does not warrant the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any product listed in the Directory. In no event shall Build It Green be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information.
Build It Green does not charge fees or accept other forms of compensation in exchange for listing in the Green Product Directory.
Information in the Directory and the GreenPointer articles may be changed without notice. If you would like to suggest a product for inclusion in the Directory or submit a correction to a listing, please visit our Suggest a Product form.